Why “Size Doesn’t Matter” Applies to YOU

Laura Dupuis

(Editor’s Note: NOT a paid promotion, but check out Laura’s design in the photos in this blog. I’m OBSESSED with this knit! Seriously adding it to my wishlist. That’s all, proceed. - Bethany, editor in Chief)

After seeing the post Nicole of Woolfield Studio made recently and learning about her struggle about posting photos of herself, I felt inspired and driven to write a post as well.

Before I knew it, a blog post had formed.

My mindset has changed a lot since having my daughter last year. Society has us believing that once you pop out a baby you should be bouncing back to your “pre-baby body” as soon as possible. And I kind of bought into it. Once I was given the go-ahead by my doctor, I started working out. But I didn’t keep at it because I was fighting my body. I was fighting the thing that grew a damn human because I didn’t like the belly that was sticking around.

Violet is now nearly 15 months and that belly is still here. However, even though I battle with it daily, I’m not as angry at it. I started doing yoga instead of the intense pilates because I was getting frustrated with anything jumping related. Everything jiggles!

I’ve also changed my mindset from a workout to lose weight way of thinking to a workout to get stronger and just be healthier for my family. I just want to feel better and if some of the fat leaves along the way then so be it. But thin doesn’t equal healthy and that’s something we need to make the world realize.


I also don’t want Violet growing up seeing a mom who hates her body. I remember my mom complaining about her wide feet or just not wearing things because she didn’t think she should. And so, because everyone said I looked like her I too thought I had wide feet etc. It wasn’t until adulthood I realized we have completely different body types.

Therefore, my recent garment design, the Iris Cropped Sweater, is my most inclusive sized garment written for busts from 30” to 62” using the Craft Yarn Council standards.

I’ve had issues in the past getting testers for my designs at all, but with the creation of the Instagram account Fat Test Knits I was able to have testers up to 58”.

I’ve also decided to update my current designs with a broader size range. So by the end of the year, all my garments will be written for the aforementioned sizes. The last thing I want is for someone to see one of my designs, go to buy it and then realize it’s not written for them. We already have the issue of some patterns being written with 42” busts as the XL or 2X (an XL is actually 44-46 for comparison), which is why I use the Craft Yarn Council. It’s a good standard to go by and all the measurements are there for anyone to use.

I’m also trying to be as mindful as I can about different body types without making my patterns a million pages long. So my notes sections will get more detailed with information on how to adjust things accordingly. We should be able to wear whatever the hell we want to and not feel bad about it. Because, say it with me, SIZE DOESN’T MATTER.

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